• How To

How To Install Stack Stone And Ledgestone

January 15, 2018 How To Install Stack Stone And Ledgestone

Stack stone and also ledgestone, instantly improve the appearance of any internal or external living area or landscape. They are some of the most popular materials to enhance a commercial property or a home’s architectural facade. Tile manufacturers make stackstone, as well as ledgestone, with individually stacked pieces of different types of stone. Stone like marble, quartz, slate, travertine, granite and stone resin. They come in various sizes but mostly manufacturers construct them into 150x600mm pieces.


You can apply these products to render or brickwork. You can also apply them to besser blocks, villa board, fibre cement sheeting (fibro) and most other building substrates. However, we do not recommend applying these products to blue board. This is because any board that is treated weakens in strength.  If you want to apply stack stone or ledgestone on to fibro or villa board, we recommend that the thickness of the board be at least 9mm, not the standard building thickness of 6mm.`

Fixing Stack Stone Or Ledgestone

When fixing stack stone or ledgestone up to 2 metres high, we recommend a good stone glue like SMP EVO or Uni Nova. Use that along with the manufacturer’s corresponding enhancers/additives to strengthen the glue.  This allows for the heaviness of the material.

However, when tiling more than 2 metres in height, we then recommend to brace the product onto the substrate. Bracing is the application of stainless steel angles which you anchor into the substrate at equal intervals to support the weight of the product.


As with all stone, we recommend you seal stack stone and ledgestone.

Most stack stone is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.  However, when stone is polished, we recommend using it indoors rather than outdoors. Like all polished products, if you install it outdoors and it comes in contact with direct sunlight, then over time it will eventually etch away at the polished surface.


Here at TFO, we do not sell stack stone or ledgestone corner pieces. As we have such a high turnover of stock, we would end up with the corners being a different batch to the current stock in store. For that reason, when needing corner pieces, we recommend mitring the edges at a 45 degree angle at the time of installation.

For further helpful hints and great tiling ideas, come visit our showroom today.  With over 350,000m2 of stock on hand all at unbelievably low prices, our tiles will not disappoint you!