• How To

Bathroom Renovations On A Budget – Sticking It to Your Bathroom

January 15, 2018 Bathroom Renovations On A Budget – Sticking It to Your Bathroom

Bathroom renovations on a budget, got a bathroom renovation planned in Blacktown? Check out TFO for a large selection of affordable, top quality tiles to fit any décor. Take a trip to our TFO showroom in Sydney, compare prices, or purchase tiles online to save loads. In the meantime, here are some tips to get you going:

When retiling your bathroom, you want your tiles to adhere properly, so you need the right adhesive. Forget this and you may create problems. The first might be the problem of not enough adhesion due to lack of full contact coverage. The tile-adhesive bond weakens and the tile comes loose. The second problem might be the floor tiles cracking. Hollow spots form beneath the tile when the adhesive is not fully covering the back of the tile. When pressure (such as foot traffic or the weight of furniture) is applied, there is nothing underneath to support the tile, so it may crack. Bathroom renovations on a budget.
So how can you make sure your renovated bathroom tiles stick?
The best way to check if you have applied enough adhesive, is to fix a few tiles then pull them off the wall/floor and then have a look to see if the adhesive and tile were in full contact. If not, get another trowel, the next notch size up. If the tiles are larger than 30x30cm, back-butter them with adhesive before you fix them.
Let TFO provide the know-how and superior products required for your bathroom renovation in Blacktown